Professional Anti-Cellulite and Reducing Protocol

18,05 77,00  con IVA 26,84 

New specific treatment aimed at effectively contrasting the skin blemishes of cellulite and localized fat deposits.

The SkinSystem Professional Protocol provides for the combination of products based on Multifunctional Phytotherapy Complexes and latest generation Patented Active Ingredients.

It acts in a targeted and effective way by attacking the imperfection and preserving and/or restoring the skin tone and female silhouette. Visible and guaranteed results from the very first application.

A skilful mix of innovative products formulated with Multifunctional Phytotherapy Complexes and latest generation Patented Actives which contribute to the reduction of cellulite blemishes, stagnation of liquids and loss of tone and localized fat.
This treatment stimulates the blood microcirculation, favoring the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide, purifying and reactivating normal cellular function.

The Protocol evolves in various phases, from the Preparatory Phase, to that of Functional Exfoliation, to that of Reduction and Toning. For the entire duration of the treatment it is advisable to adopt a balanced diet and carry out adequate physical activity.

The Functional Exfoliation Phase is aimed at opening the lower lymphatic ganglia and deeply cleansing the part to be treated by detoxifying it and activating the lipolysis process.
The Reduction phase acts directly on fat deposits and is designed to counteract and reduce skin imperfections caused by cellulite.
The last phase, that of Toning, is aimed at toning and elasticizing the tissues and eliminating waste substances for a remodeled silhouette and toned, luminous and elastic skin.

SkinSystem Reducing Anti-Cellulite Treatment, the solution you’ve always been looking for for your beauty center! Imagine smooth and blemish-free skin, remodeled legs, buttocks and abdomen. And now stop imagining and make it come true with our revolutionary Anti-cellulite and Slimming treatment! Take your beauty treatment offering to a new level with our cutting-edge Anti-Cellulite Slimming treatment! Offer your clients a one-of-a-kind beauty experience!

36,00  con IVA 43,92 

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Professional Anti-Cellulite Reducing Protocol, the new specific treatment aimed at effectively combating the skin blemishes caused by cellulite and localized fat deposits.

The SkinSystem Professional Protocol provides for the combination of products based on Multifunctional Phytotherapy Complexes and latest generation Patented Active Ingredients.

It acts in a targeted and effective way by attacking the imperfection and preserving and/or restoring the skin tone and female silhouette. Visible and guaranteed results from the very first application.

A skilful mix of innovative products formulated with Multifunctional Phytotherapy Complexes and latest generation Patented Actives which contribute to the reduction of cellulite blemishes, stagnation of liquids and loss of tone and localized fat.
This treatment stimulates the blood microcirculation, favoring the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide, purifying and reactivating normal cellular function.

The Protocol evolves in various phases, from the Preparatory Phase, to that of Functional Exfoliation, to that of Reduction and Toning. For the entire duration of the treatment it is advisable to adopt a balanced diet and carry out adequate physical activity.
The Functional Exfoliation Phase is aimed at opening the lower lymphatic ganglia and deeply cleansing the part to be treated by detoxifying it and activating the lipolysis process.
The Reduction phase acts directly on fat deposits and is designed to counteract and reduce skin imperfections caused by cellulite.
The last phase, that of Toning, is aimed at toning and elasticizing the tissues and eliminating waste substances for a remodeled silhouette and toned, luminous and elastic skin.

Suggest the Home Reducing Anti-Cellulite Treatment to your client to prolong and intensify the effects obtained in the cabin.

Active Principles

To know the Active Ingredients, click on the single article and consult the product sheet.

Ingredients / Inci

To know the Ingredients, click on the single article and consult the product sheet.


The protocol includes 3 steps

Preparatory Phase: First contact with the client

Quantity: 1 dose each lymphatic station
Apply a few drops of product on the lower lymphatic ganglia: inguinal lymphatic station, popliteal, malleolar and Lejars venous insole and proceed with the opening manoeuvres.

STEP 1 Functional Exfoliation

Quantity: 10 g Crystals
Apply the product on the area to be treated starting from the ankle towards the inguinal lymphatic station, with circular movements. Perform deep lymphatic drainage maneuvers,
proceeding with the correct openings of the lower lymphatics ganglia. Remove with sponge gloves. N.B. It is sufficient to perform this phase only once a week.

STEP 2 Reduction

Quantity: 30 g
Apply the Thermo-Slim Gel starting from the ankles and working up with rapid movements towards the inguinal lymphatic station.

Quantity: 100 ml of mud + 1 pipe of sinergy
Mix 100 g of mud in a bowl, a pipette of Synergy Body Cellulite and 10 ml of water to form a creamy and homogeneous compound. Spread the mix with a brush and leave to act with cartene and/or in a thermosauna. Remove with sponge gloves.

Quantity: 2 bandages
Wrap each leg starting from the ankle in the counterclockwise direction on the right leg and in clockwise direction on the left leg. The bandage should overlap by 2/3 cm.

STEP 3 Toning

Quantity: 1 dose each lynfathic station + 30 ml / 5 ml
Apply the Cellulite Synergy on the lower lymphatic ganglia and, with the help of the Warming Massage Cream or of the Strong Cellulite Body Oil, proceed with the execution of a
stimulating connective tissue or lymphatic drainage massage